Let Technology Work For You.

Munro Agromart is your local Climate Fieldview dealer. Fieldview is a farm management platform, which enables producers to have a better understanding of their crops performance throughout the growing season. This platform allows for growers and retailers to connect their farm data to help make agronomic decisions regarding their operation. Below is some information regarding Climate Fieldview. Please call or come visit us if you have any questions.

Click here to check your equipment compatibility with Climate Fieldview.

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Get your data in one place

Fieldview is capable of connecting real time data from the cab of your vehicle during planting, application and harvest. Fieldview also enables for historical data to be uploaded. Simply connect a plug in your equipment and the data you need will be recorded to better understand your operation.

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Uncover valuable field insights

Fieldview is a great tool for field scouting, with its state of the art imagery and map technology. Providing you with field health maps and NDVI(green light reflection) weekly, growers can understand where deficiencies, missed plantings, diseases or heavy weed areas may be, all from the comfort of your home.

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Optimize your inputs

Climate is also a great tool to help run on-farm trials. a practice strongly recommended to optimize inputs and yields. Showing data that reflects alternative options for field practices, decision can easily be made for the future.